Hutep Yasur! Here a letter that was written
by The Master Teacher Dr.Malachi Kobina York on May 29 2005
which was type up. Now it is year 2012
which I have updated this outformation/information that our beloved brother
Dr.Malachi Kobina York have given all his Nuwaupian family to read and share
to all who is waiting on the coming of The Real Living Messiah.
One Mind! One Unity! One Supreme Force!
Matt. 5:9
This is a Religious Letter not Business from a Pastor on record.
Hope it makes it clear what day and time we are in now.
Rev 21 and Rev 22:16-21
Peace be upon you as our Anionted Savior The Messiah Yeshua(Jesus)who is know in Ancient Egipt as Re-Har-Akhety Paa Messuh son of Asar and The Blessed Mother Aset said in John 20:21 and as (Ahmad) Muhammad Mu=Water Ham(Kham)=Black Mad(Dam)=Life Blood said in the Qur'aan 5:16 These are the last days and times Matthew 24.
It's a great day Malachi 4. The signs of the end times are all around us, so we know he, Al Masih Yeshua(The Messiah Jesus) who is know in Ancient Egipt as Re-Har-Akhety Paa Messuh son of Asar(Osiris) and The Blessed Mother Aset(Isis) is standing at the door(vortex). Will you all open it? Al Fatiha, to him with the seven verse or seals? You see in the Qur'aan 2:214 (Ahmad) Muhammad Mu=Water Ham(Kham)=Black Mad(Dam)=Life Blood and those with him between 570-632, his birth and death. The Qur'aan says they all ask Al Quraan 2:214...when will the Nasrullah or Help of the Powerful One now know today as The Ancient Egiptain of Karast under the United Nuwaupian Nation Worldwide come? This is him, Muhammad Mu=Water Ham(Kham)=Black Mad(Dam)=Life Blood and those with him asked back then, and the answer was in the same verse "Surely the Nasrullah is coming and near at hand. So Muhammad Mu=Water Ham(Kham)=Black Mad(Dam)=Life Blood was there himself asking for help to come. Then we see the people of his time followers, the muslims of Muhammad Mu=Water Ham(Kham)=Black Mad(Dam)=Life Blood. They was asking for someone or something thing to help them, we The Ancient Egiptain Church of Karast under United Nuwaupian NationWorldwide today is that help.The Qur'aan 2:253 Put Yeshua(Jesus) who is know in Ancient Egipt as Re-Har-Akhety Paa Messuh Son Of Asar(Osiris) and The Blessed Mother Aset(Isis) as preferred over some of the other Prophets, and Apostles. Why? Because he is the only one call The Word of Allah(Re) Kalimat Allah(Kalum Shil Re) and The Spirit or Soul of Allah(Re) Nafs Allah(Kaa Shil Re)or Ruwhu Allah(Baa Shil Re)He is the only one called Al Masih Paa Messuh or The Messiah of Allah(Paa Messuh Shil Re) and throughout the Bible, Al Quraan and The Holy Tablet Yeshua(Jesus) who in Ancient Egipt is know as Re-Har-Akhety Paa Messuh son Asar(Osiris) and The Blessed Mother Aset(Isis) follower are not called christian in Arabic, which will be Messiahian, Messiahites. No where in the Quraan, because Christ or Kristos, they muslims claim, is the same as Messiah as found in John 1:45. Yet only he was begotten as the unique son. The Mono geneous unique gene, Al Masih the one preferrer seed of Daveed(David). Quraan 3:45. Then Quraan 3:52-61 you see in there Yeshua(Jesus) who is know in Ancient Egipt as Re-Har-Akhety Paa Messuh son of Asar and The Blessed Mother Aset followers call Ansarullah,the same as Nasrullah, and these follower are call muslims in verse 52 the last word. What was Yeshua(Jesus) who know in Ancient Egipt as Re-Har-Akhety Paa Messuh son of Asar(Osiris) and Blessed Aset(Isis) religion Nuwaupu Quraan 3:95, Quraan 2:130. Is Allah(Re) of the helper or Nasrullah? 3:150 Also about the book of Evengel or Injily(Book of Revelation), Book of Gospelof John, his 3 letters of the New Testament. Of those the Quraan call Nasri not Haaduw Jews Nasri in Al Quraan is tranlated as Christians. Wrong translation,however they did not tamper, misplace or change the words in their Revelation. It was the Jews and The Torah. Al Quraan 4:46 not Christian books. All Come from Abraham Ibraheem Ab=Father Ra(Re)=Sun Ham(kham)=Black Al Quraan 4:125. Al Quraan 4:136. Now Look at Al Quraan 4:155-159. you see they lied on Mary who is know in Ancient Egipt as The Blessed Mother Aset and about her son Yeshua(Jesus) who is know in Ancient Egipt as Re-Har-Akhety Paa Messuh son of Asar and The Blessed Mother Aset. Also about his crucfixion. Al Quraan does not say Yeshua(Jesus) who is know in Ancient Egipt as Re-Har-Akhety Paa Messuh son of Asar and The Blessed Mother Aset was not crucfied. No. It states and is very clear about who they are talking about verse 157 of Al Quraan chapter 4. The Jews boast that they kill Yeshua(Jesus)who know in Ancient Egipt as Re-Har-Akhety Paa Messuh son of Asar and The Blessed Mother Aset in that day and time by putting him of a cross themselves. Well, they did not kill him, nor did they crucify him, No. It was the roman soilders.
Mark 15:16-24, John 19:23. who did it, the Jews or the Romans? Read John 19:17-24.
So after reading this point, you see why Al Quraan then states in 4:157 and those who differ there in are full of doubts. It says 'They have no certain knowledge." It's also say "They follow nothing but conjecture.' So they didn't know what they're talking about. Al Quraan is right and exact. The Jews did not crucify Yeshua(Jesus)who is know in Ancient Egipt as Re-Har-Akhety Paa Messuh son of Asar and The Blessed Mother Aset The Romans did. Next it tells all People found in the Book. Old Testament, New Testament and Al Quraan, which is from Adam to Abraham's Ab=Father Ra(Re)=Sun Ham(Kham)=Black seed which you know Muhammad Mu=Water Ham(Kham)=Black Mad(Dam)=Life Blood claimed to be of Abraham Ab=Father Ra(Re)=Sun Ham(Kham)=Black by the way of his first son Ishmael Aset=Throne Ma=Water El=Source and his Egiptian wife Hagar, who had a son called Kedar. Muhammad Mu=Water Ham(Kham)=Black Mad(Dam)= Life Blood descended from him, so Muhammad Mu=Water Ham(Kham)=Black Mad(Dam)= Life Blood and his followers are also call People of The Book. Al Quraan 61:6 then Al Quraan 61:14. You see the link to Yeshua(Jesus)who in know Ancient Egipt as Re-Har-Akhety Paa Messuh Son of Asar and The Blessed Mother Aset of this day and time not Yeshua(Jesus) of 2000AD who was the incarnation of Re-Har-Akhety Paa Messuh son of Asar and The Blessed Mother Aset he was a Messiah this one will be The Real Messiah who is to come. It's so very clear that Muhammad Mu=Water Ham(Kham)=Black Mad(Dam)=Life Blood was sent by Yeshua(Jesus)who is know in Ancient Egipt as Re-Har-Akhety Paa Messuh Son of Asar and The Blessed Mother Aset John 16:7. I Yeshua(Jesus) who is know in Ancient Egipt as Re-Har-Akhety Paa Messuh son of Asar and The Blessed Mother Aset will send you him Ahmad(Comfoter) who wil have with him The Holy Soul, Angel one of the Elohim call Gabriel Geb=Earth Ra(Re)=Sun El=Source who is Paa Nazdur(The Overseer/The Guardian Khonsu)sent from The Father John 14:25-26 He also too was a comforter,and what will he bring, John 14:27 Hebrew Shalom, Arabic, Salaam and in Nuwaupic Hutep(Peace). So Al Quraan 4:159 means all people of the of Abraham's Ab=Father Ra(Re)=Sun Ham(Kham)=Black religions, three school of throughts Hebrew(Moses-ism) Christians(Christ-ism) Muslim(Muhammad-ism)and Nuwaupians People of the books(Scriptures)Al Torah, Bible, Al Qur'an and Holy Tablets all better accept Yeshua(Jesus)who in Anceint Egipt as Re-Har-Akhety Paa Messuh son of Asar(Osiris) and The Blessed Mother Aset(Isis) of this day and time as The Anointed Savior before they die. We find this in the next verse 163. It tells you what or which are the books and to whom. Al Quraam 4:171. We didn't say Yeshua(Jesus)who is know in Ancient Egipt as Re-Har-Ahety son of Asar(Osiris) and The Blessed Mother Aset(Isis) The Real Living Messiah of this day and time or Yeshua(Jesus) of 2000AD is The Heavenly Father An-Naay call in tone Paa Kathur'A Re(The Most High Re) The Supreme James 1:1 and Jude 1:1. It's very clear we The Ancient Egiptian Church of Karast separate God The Father from The Lord Jesus Christ(Rabboni Yeshua Meshach/Yeshua Al Masih)who is know in Ancient Egipt as Re-Har-Akhety Paa Messuh son of Asar(Osiris) and The Blessed Mother Aset(Isis) Now read Al Quraan 5:16-17. Al Quraan tell you after Al Torah that Yesua(Jesus)who is Know in Ancient Egipt as Re-Har-Akhety Paa Messuh son of Asar(Osiris)and The Blessed Mother Aset(Isis) of that day and time was given the scriptures Al Quraan 5:46-47 so does The Bible, Al Qur'aan and The Holy Tablets tell us to expect Yeshua(Jesus)who is know in Ancient Egipt as Re-Har-Akhety Paa Messuh son of Asar(Osiris) and The Blessed Mother Aset(Isis) coming? Yes! very clear. The Very last chapter to be revealed to Muhammad Mu=Water Ham(Kham)=Black Mad(Dam) Life Blood now in Al Quraan 110, Al Nasr The Help. Remember the question Muhammad Mu=Water Ham(Kham)=Black Mad(Dam)Life Blood and the muslims of his time asked, Al Quraan 2:114. When will the help come. So it can't be Sunni, Shiites, Wahabbi,Ahmadiyya, Bahia. It was The Moorish Science Temple under The Prophet Noble Drew Ali,and The Nation of Islam under The Honorable Elijah(Eliyah)My El is Yahayyu Muhammad Mu=Water Ham(Kham)=Black Mad(Dam)=Life Blood) who both brothers was third degree Master Masons on to Ansarullah now today know as The Ancient Egiptain Church of Karast under United Nuwaupian Nation Worldwide under The Sovereign Grand Commander Dr.Malachi Kobina York of The United Nuwaubian Nation Grand Lodge under The Orginal Egiptian Masonic Order. So when will the help come from An-Naay call in tone Paa Kathur 'A Re(The Most High Re) that will be victorious opening of what? The 7th seal found in The Book of Revelation. Now is that time. Al Quraan 4:146 The Honorable Elijah(Eliyah) My El is Yahayyu Muhammad Mu=Water Ham(Kham)=Black Mad(Dam)=Life Blood did come to the lost now found Tribe of Shabazz. He turned the hearts of their fathers, Made Negroes look back at the east. He did his job, clean up many Negros to prepare the way of The Reformer Dr.Malachi Kobina York who will come 100 years after Al Mahdi(The Guide). So You had 1. Ahmad 2. The Messager(Al Rasul) 3. Al Mahdi(The Guide), 4. Noble Drew Ali(Al Nabi) The Prophet 5. The Honorable Elijah(Eliyah) My El is Yahayyu Muhammad Mu=Water Ham(Kham)Black Mad(Dam)(Al Nazur) The Warner then 6. (Al Mujiddun) The Reformer and finally we will see 7. Al Masih(Paa Messuh) The Messiah and in their own hadith they tell you what he will do, that none other did, which is to give the hidden meaning of Al Quraan which none of them can do. ask what is the meaning of the letters that open the chapters? They don't know Why? Look, Narrated by Abu Hurairah. Allah messager said, 'How will you be when the son of Mary descends amongst you, and will judge people by the law of Al Quraan annd not by the law of Al Injiyl(The Book Of Revelation. So they know Yeshua(Jesus) Who is know in Ancient Egipt as Re-Har-Akhety Paa Messuh Son of Asar and The Blessed Mother Aset of this day and time not Yeshua(Jesus) of 2000AD Who was the incaration of Re-Har-Akhety Paa Messuh son of Asar and The Blessed Mother Aset will come after Muhammad Mu=Water Ham(Kham)= Black Mad(Dam)= Life Blood is gone and will teach Muslims Al Quraan. Why Because they don't understand it and he will lead to into Prayer(Ashutaat). This is all truth. The Help is here. The seal is open. The Real Living Messiah is on his way. Don't be fooled by fast talk with no facts. Paa Nazdur Re(The Deity Re) is The Most High Supreme Being of The Elohim both Cherubim and Seraphim the igigi are the Afaneen know in Ancient Egipt Paa Nazduru(The Overseers)Under the order of Paa Nazdur Amun(The Deity Amun) who The Angel Michael Ma=Water Ka=Spirit El=The Source know as Melchezedek, Al Khidr know in Ancient Egipt as Paa Nazdur Amun(The Deity Amun) Son of Enki(Ptah) and Ninti(SakhemMuat/Sakhemet). Anu who in Ancient Egipt know as Paa Nazdur Re(The Deity Re) The Most High Deity The Supreme Being is know as Alyuwn Alyuwn Al(Elyown Elyown El) in the physical in rank and the mental The Highest in quality but not Paa Paut(The All) or Paut(All) This is the right time ask our Heavenly Father Alyuwn Alyuwn Al(Elyown Elyown El) who in Ancient in Egpit is know as Paa Nazdur Re(The Deity Re) in the name of his Ibn(Son by spirit) Yeshua(Jesus) who is Know in Ancient Egipt as Re-Har-Akhety Paa Messuh the son of Asar(Osiris) and The Blessed Mother Aset(Isis) not yeled or walad(Son by birth) only Ben/Bar/Ibn Son by Adopted(Spirit) 'cause The Most High Deity didn't have sex with any human woman on the planet earth to help reproduce a human son or daughter or was reproduce by any human being on the planet earth and he will give you what you ask. Keep up Prayer(Ashutaat), Chating 3 times a day. Love on other Nuwaupian forgot about racism, hate and all will be clear to you as well.
Love Rev.Dr.Malachi Kobina York(Amun Nabab Rayay Akh Ptah) Abba Issa 19
Holy Tablets Chapter 15: Tablets 23:1-13
1. Lo! The Book call Revelation records that in the eleventh degree
the eight verse,
2. Their dead bodies will be discarded in the market place of the great city.
3. Which is being called the spiritual Sodom and Egipt,
4. The Place in which the kurious of those two were crucified.
5. This crucifixion at age one hundred and twenty was ascension of Yeshua,
6. To met in the skies with a craft,
7. To where he is alive to this very day awaiting his return.
8. The great pyramid at Giza, Egipt is the sepulcher which is a place
and mount of the dead.
9. It is writeen that Yeshua(Jesus) died on the cross.
10. The pyramid is the cross that represent the astronomical symbol, power,
symbol of the planet earth. It is one in line of three forming the orion constellion.
Orion for Osiris(Asar), and the other sirius for Isis(Aset) and the other the third
slightly off line and smaller for Horus(Har) bringing down heaven down upon earth.
and Yeshua(Jesus) made this statement as Horus(Har)The Son by spirit in my father's
house there are many mansion if it was not so, I would not have told you.
Speaking of the opening of the mouth and reinstillment of life eternal.
11. The four tringles of the pyramid forming the cross when look at when viewing
the pyramid from a position above it.
12. When The Romans and Jews and Greeks teach that they put Yeshua(Jesus) son of Mariam(Mary), to death upon the cross.
13. In actullay they mean he died on top of a pyramid.
Read Genesis 15:13-21, Revelation 2:18, Revelation 12:1-6, Revelation 14:12, Revelation 1:1-15, John 6:44, and John 6:45.
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
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